Designer: Bob Uebelhor, International Club Makers Association Club Maker of the Year Winner
Design Consultant: Mike Bell
The putter is the most used golf club in a round of golf. Therefore, it is the most IMPORTANT club in your bag. The TRUE OPTIC PUTTER has been designed to be the BEST long putter in the game. It is not a short putter head that someone has stuck a long shaft in and called it a long putter.
This will be the best $300 investment you will ever make in YOUR GAME!
1) The front white line is centered and exactly the width of a golf ball, assuring that the ball is lined up in the middle of the putter, every time.
2) The optical alignment cone lines tell you immediately if the lead center line is open or closed. These cones are the same as airline pilots use to visually align landings.
3) The putter is molded so that the entire center section, from front to back, is the same width as a golf ball. This allows peripheral vision to align the center of the ball completely through the putter head.
4) The putter sits on a pedestal at address. This eliminates face twisting open or closed at address.
5) Putter width is about the same width as the hole. This gives the relationship optically of the ball being centered to the middle of the hole for perfect alignment on short putts.
6) Heavy brass heel and toe weights create a perfect balanced face, this eliminates any twisting of face when striking ball. It also gives parallel visual alignment aid to your overall alignment on long putts.
7) Putter weight is heavy. This allows players to make a rocking motion with their shoulders with much less hand involvement, producing more consistent strokes.
8) Face insert with custom grooves promotes a faster rolling ball and keeps it from rolling up the face which creates unwanted backspin.
9) Shaft is the heaviest and strongest ski pole shaft on the market. This maintains stability in the stroke and eliminates the twisting and whip like effect of normal weaker long putter shafts.
10) Brass weights are set above center, to make putter weight distribution higher, thus creating over-spin.
Cost of Putter: $300.00 plus shipping
Optional insert in shaft to allow putter to break down for travel: +$50.00
set screw and allen wrench included
Putter length up to 54”
Lie will be maximum upright allowed by USGA
To order contact:
Mike Bell
(317) 439-8953
Visa or MasterCard accepted
Putter conforms to USGA rules
Putter Types:
The Triangle
M1 Light
M1 Heavy
TRUE or closed at address.
5) Putter width is about the e
are set above center, to m
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